Principal's Message
Welcome to STEi Institute!
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About STEi / Principal’s Message
Dear Student,
A very warm welcome to STEi Institute Pte Ltd (STEi).
As a prospective student, you may face multi-faceted challenges. A key question that typically races through one’s mind is, “where can I secure relevant, reliable and professional educational qualification?”
STEi Institute is a Registered Private Education Institution (PEI) with the Committee for Private Education (CPE), Singapore. It is an Edutrust certified PEI and has attained ISO 9001:2008 Certification.
STEi provides high quality, cost-effective and relevant courses to meet the needs of our students. Through our network of industrial partners and institutions of higher learning, we offer career and academic pathways to maximise your potentials.
At STEi, we are fully conscious of the immense responsibilities placed on us and we do our utmost to build on the rich legacy and solid reputation to ensure the quality expectations of our clients are met.
I invite you to explore STEi Institute’s Website.
We wish you a fruitful and wonderful experience at STEi Institute.