Students / Attendance Requirement
It is expected that students having paid the course fees would aspire to reap the returns of their investment through successful completion of the course(s) enrolled for.
As a responsible Private Education Institution, STEi subscribes to the requirements of EduTrust and Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) (for International Students) to demand a very high student attendance as critical for the Students’ effective and successful completion of the Course(s).
Meeting prescribed student attendance is therefore critical and it is a STEi’s policy to meet the regulatory requirement of student attendance imposed by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) of Singapore for all Student Pass Holders.
In order to be conferred the course award, the student must achieve a pass for STEi Examination, and at least 75% of class attendance.
Cancellation of Student Pass (International Students)
Students without any valid reasons, who fail to meet the attendance requirements of classes for a continuous period of seven days or more; or the percentage of attendance for the course in any month is 90% or below; shall surrender the Student Pass to STEi within three working days of being officially notified. STEi shall duly process the student pass cancellation.
International Students whose attendance falls below 50% for any single month shall render immediate expulsion.
Conditions/Obligations Applicable to Student Pass Holder*
*Note: Source: Adapted from Singapore’s Immigration & Checkpoints Authority Security Bond Form.
Whereas the Student’s Pass has been granted to the student, the following conditions or obligations shall apply:
- The student shall comply with the provisions of the Immigration Act and any regulations made there under or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force in Singapore.
- The student shall not enter or to be retained as a student in any other school(s) or course(s) other than that indicated on the Student’s Pass.
- The student shall not engage in any form of employment, or in any business, profession or occupation, whether paid or unpaid, without the consent of the Controller of Immigration or in any activity which, in the opinion of the Controller of Immigration, is detrimental to the security and well-being of Singapore.
- The student shall not be adopted by any Singapore Citizen(s) or Permanent Resident(s) in Singapore.
- The student shall not indulge in any activity which is inconsistent with the purpose for which the Student’s Pass has been issued.
- The student shall not smoke, administer to himself/herself or otherwise consume or be in anyway engaged in the trafficking of any controlled drug as defined in the Misuse of Drugs Act or any written law for the time being in force relating to the control of dangerous or otherwise harmful drugs.
- The student shall not be involved in any criminal offence in Singapore.
- The student shall not remain in Singapore after the expiry of the Student’s Pass.
- The student shall not marry a Singapore Citizen/Singapore Permanent Resident while in Singapore.
- The student upon his/her studies or course(s) as indicated in the Student’s Pass being terminated for whatever reason, he/she shall surrender the Student’s pass for cancellation within three days of the date of cessation or termination of his/her studies or course(s).
- The student shall surrender the Student’s Pass for cancellation within seven days if he/she failed to attend classes for a continuous period of seven days or more without any valid reason or the percentage of attendance for the course in any month is 90% or below without any valid reason.
- The student shall leave the Republic of Singapore upon the completion of his/her studies or course(s) as indicated in the Student’s Pass and inform the Immigration & Checkpoint Authority of his/her means and date of departure.